
  • A. Preparatory actions  

    A1 Mobilization of land for CE demonstration model

    A2  Permitting for nutrient recycling from waste

  • B. Implementation actions

    B1 Establishment of biomass plantations for CE demonstration model

    B2  Recycling of nutrients from municipal water treatment sludge

    B3  Recycling of nutrients from biomass ashes

     B4  Biomass to renewable energy

    B5  Business plan development

  • C. Monitoring of the impact of the project actions  

    C1 Sludge and biomass ashes quality, soil impact and water impact monitoring

    C2  Biomass yield improvement assessment

    C3  Life cycle assessment (LCA)

    C4  Biomass quality assessment

     C5  Performance monitoring and socio-economic impact assessment

  • D. Public awareness and dissemination of results 

    D1 Activating key target groups

    D2  Public awareness program and networking

  • E. Project management 

    Project management organization will ensure the project will reach targeted results, will be implemented according time schedule and in full compliance of LIFE programme regulations and will ensure continuation (sustainable operations and replicability) after the project implementation.

    The Management committee and the Board of observers will contribute to the core of the project management organization.